My Mom and Brad came down for a little visit last week. We all had a great time. AJ and Brad were able to get in a few rounds of golf while Mom and I played around at Babies R Us. :) Brad loves the fact that he can play golf in January. They picked a good week to come and we enjoyed having them here!
I had my 24 week appointment last week and everything is still going well. Next appointment is in 4 weeks. I'll have the glucose screening test and that is my last 4 week appointment. I’ll start going every 3 weeks after that, which means it will be my 3rd trimester ALREADY! Time is flying by. We are still working on names and it is much harder than I thought it would be. It’s not even that we are in disagreement - it’s more of names reminding of someone else that you grew up with, or someone else already has a child (or a dog) with that name, or that it just doesn’t work with Johnson (crazy, but true), etc. The baby is moving a lot and I’m still feeling well, although it is becoming increasingly difficult to put on my socks and shoes. I might have to start asking AJ for some help here before too long!