He is getting faster at crawling every day. I like to sit back, follow him, and watch him and let him explore to see where he goes. It is amazing what little things he notices that he can goes straight for. He is starting to follow me, which is fun, because this helps with him crying when I leave the room. He pulls up on everything he can find and doesn't quite know how to get down from standing yet so he will either fall over or cry until you come get him. He is just now starting to cruise around the furniture just a little bit. He's still pretty wobbly but will move from the ottoman to me if I hold my hands out and he cruises along all four sides of his crib.
He still just has two teeth on the bottom - no top teeth yet. He has moved from puffs (although he still loves them) to Cheerios and Chex. He loves the Cheerios and tries to shove as many of them in to his mouth as he can. He also tried some orzo tonight which went okay. They were a little hard for him to pick up but most of it got in his mouth. His favorite food right now is yogurt.
He is getting really good at vocalizing what he wants, even though he can't speak yet. We've been doing sign language for "eat", "more", and "all done" for several months and I think he knows what they mean although he doesn't reproduce the motions yet. He has a distinct squeal, grunt, or scream when he likes/wants/doesn't like/doesn't want something and he babbles throughout most of the day.
He's been doing pretty well from a sleeping perspective until the past couple of nights when he has decided that 7:30 is not his bedtime and he wants to stay up longer. I don't know if he is starting a new trend or is just interested in what is going on outside of his bedroom and wants to be a part of it so we'll see where that takes us.
On a "me" note -I got a new car today! We traded in my car for a SUV. My car was only a year and a half old and I loved it but I really wanted more room. With the stroller taking up the entire trunk and the passenger seat moved up to accommodate the car seat in the back I really wasn't left with much room. I was a sad to get rid of my car but really like my new SUV. I call it my soccer mom car. :)