Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Let it snow
Yesterday morning we woke up to something you don't see every day in Austin - huge snowflakes falling from the sky! It continued to snow off and on throughout the rest of the morning and in to mid-afternoon. We ended up getting around 2 inches in Round Rock. This is the first time we've had a real snow since 2004 so I wanted to make sure and get a few pics of Hunter in the snow. I built a little snowman for him, bundled him up and took him outside, and the minute his hand touched the snow he started crying. He did not like it AT ALL.
I wanted to get a few more pictures but he was much happier watching the snow come down from inside. :)
The best part of this story is that it was 75 degrees two days prior. Gotta love that Texas weather!
Monday, February 15, 2010
10 months old
I think I am in denial that my litttle baby is getting close to a year old. Ten months totally snuck up on me so I am a little late with the update. I don't have much new to report - he didn't have a well baby check-up this month so I weighed him at home. From my best estimate he is around 18.5 lbs and a little over 27 inches tall. He is cruising all over the place and is getting more and more confident with moving from place to place. He's finally starting to get down from a standing position and will bend down to pick something up that he has dropped (while holding on to something stable).
His favorite toy right now is a shopping cart walker that I got hoping would help him take steps. He loves it but gets mad when it moves when he is behind it, so instead he just pulls it along with him while he's cruising around the ottoman. It's pretty stinkin' cute!

Here is another sweet pic of him all wrapped up like a little baby after his bath the other night. Awww!
I just love this pic from behind...I can't resist the little baby butt! He likes to look outside and bang the blinds.

His favorite toy right now is a shopping cart walker that I got hoping would help him take steps. He loves it but gets mad when it moves when he is behind it, so instead he just pulls it along with him while he's cruising around the ottoman. It's pretty stinkin' cute!
Here is another sweet pic of him all wrapped up like a little baby after his bath the other night. Awww!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Mimi and new snacks
Mimi came for a visit last week and thank goodness she picked the week she did because AJ was in Vegas on business all week! As usual she helped out a TON and Hunter loved having her around. She even babysat for us while so we could go out on a date. :) She is like the baby whisperer - can put Hunter to sleep in no time. Here is a cute pic of them rocking before bed one night.
Saturday we went to Harrison's house to celebrate his first birthday. Allison had a cute sampler out of some baby friendly hors d'oeurves including puffs, chex, goldfish, and the like. I let Hunter try some goldfish for the first time and oh my, have we discovered a new favorite snack! He LOVED them. He kept eating them because he would get mad when the handful that I had was gone. It was pretty cute. My mom and I also took him to Rudy's for the first time last week and he tried brisket for the first time which he also loved. I guess he officially is a Texan!
We went to a friend's Super Bowl party on Sunday. Hunter showed his support for his favorite team - the Colts! - but unfortunately it didn't help them bring home a win.
Maggie turned 9 today. I wanted to get a pic of Hunter and Mag together but gave up after about 20 takes. So, here is the birthday girl!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Baby needs a new pair of shoes!
Hunter got his first pair of shoes today! He looks so cute in them and I almost cried at Stride Rite but held it back for fear of the salespeople thinking I was losing it. :) He is just growing up so fast and he looks like such a little boy! Here is a pic of him modeling his new kicks -
Last week we went over to Hunter's friend Harrison's house for a playdate. We've had playdates with Harrison before but this was the first time that they've really interacted with each other. It was so cute to see them laughing at each other and playing together. These two sure are in for some good times in the future!

Hunter has perfected the "I don't like this"/"I want this" squeal/screech/scream which is awesome since he prefers to do it in public. Luckily everyone has seemed to be understanding and just thinks he is cute. We'll see how long that lasts!
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