Last night I was in the kitchen making dinner and Hunter brought in one of his books - "What Does Baby Say?" - sat down and started "reading" it on the floor. I picked up the camera to try to catch him without notice, as he usually will start pointing to the apple on the back on my phone and want to see the picture if he sees me with it and then the photo-op is over, but I managed to get a little bit of it on video. He was saying what the baby says from looking at the picture on each page. It amazes me every day how much their little minds pick up at this age!
We had a bit of a rough start to the week as we all passed around the stomach flu. Luckily everyone is better and the house is now completely sanitized from top to bottom. :) I sure hope we don't have to go through that again anytime soon!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Monday, January 17, 2011
21 months
Here we 21 months. I'm already starting to think about Hunter's 2nd birthday party. Crazy. "They grow up too fast" is just one of those cliche lines that you always hear from people when you're pregnant or have a newborn. Kind of like "Your life is about to completely change" or "You'll never sleep again" just think "Yeah yeah yeah, I've heard it all". But man, it really does go by too fast. It's just not right!
One thing that I forgot to mention on my previous post and wanted to make sure I documented was something Hunter said on Christmas Eve. We went to a candlelight service at church that evening. Hunter hasn't really ever been around candles except for birthday parties, so when the candles were being lit he started saying "Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday" over and over....and quite loud I might add, which stands out a little while Silent Night is being softly sung. :) So, it turned from just "Happy Birthday" to "Happy Birthday Andrew", "Happy Birthday Dada", "Happy Birthday Mama". AJ told him that it was Jesus' birthday and to say Happy Birthday Jesus. Which he did....repeatedly for almost the entire car ride home. Regardless, it was pretty stinkin' cute and made me smile thinking about the sweet innocence of children and the true meaning of Christmas.
He's getting much better with his colors. Everything used to be blue, but now he's saying the correct color of objects more and more - green apple, orange golf club (yes, he does have an orange golf club, he's not just making it up!! :) ), yellow school bus. He also can correctly identify about 8-10 letters, depending on his mood. Sometimes he'll get stuck in a rut and keep saying the previous letter over and over again so then we have to call it a day on practicing his letters. :) He can somewhat count to 13. I say somewhat because sometimes a couple of them get jumbled up in the middle, but he's doing a really great job.
He's moving right along with putting sentences together, even sometimes saying "I". The other day he said "I push the door dada" (he LOVES to push doors closed and still loves pushing buttons), which is by far the best sentence he's said so far. He also said "I want another" at dinner the other night. Still, most of the time it's more like "Hunter jacket on", "Hunter drink", "Hunter sit", "Maggie eat pood (food)", "open it please" (his manners are still fantastic). He's starting to get the hang of the fork and spoon more and more and claps for himself when he successfully gets the food on to the fork/spoon and into his mouth. So cute! He knows his last name is Johnson and says Hunter Johnson all together. The other day he even caught the football from a short distance about 6-8 times in a row! He's currently sleeping about 12-13 hours at night with an 1.5ish hour nap during the day.
He's such a sweet little boy and when he tells you he loves you out of the blue it just melts my heart!
One thing that I forgot to mention on my previous post and wanted to make sure I documented was something Hunter said on Christmas Eve. We went to a candlelight service at church that evening. Hunter hasn't really ever been around candles except for birthday parties, so when the candles were being lit he started saying "Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday" over and over....and quite loud I might add, which stands out a little while Silent Night is being softly sung. :) So, it turned from just "Happy Birthday" to "Happy Birthday Andrew", "Happy Birthday Dada", "Happy Birthday Mama". AJ told him that it was Jesus' birthday and to say Happy Birthday Jesus. Which he did....repeatedly for almost the entire car ride home. Regardless, it was pretty stinkin' cute and made me smile thinking about the sweet innocence of children and the true meaning of Christmas.
He's getting much better with his colors. Everything used to be blue, but now he's saying the correct color of objects more and more - green apple, orange golf club (yes, he does have an orange golf club, he's not just making it up!! :) ), yellow school bus. He also can correctly identify about 8-10 letters, depending on his mood. Sometimes he'll get stuck in a rut and keep saying the previous letter over and over again so then we have to call it a day on practicing his letters. :) He can somewhat count to 13. I say somewhat because sometimes a couple of them get jumbled up in the middle, but he's doing a really great job.
He's moving right along with putting sentences together, even sometimes saying "I". The other day he said "I push the door dada" (he LOVES to push doors closed and still loves pushing buttons), which is by far the best sentence he's said so far. He also said "I want another" at dinner the other night. Still, most of the time it's more like "Hunter jacket on", "Hunter drink", "Hunter sit", "Maggie eat pood (food)", "open it please" (his manners are still fantastic). He's starting to get the hang of the fork and spoon more and more and claps for himself when he successfully gets the food on to the fork/spoon and into his mouth. So cute! He knows his last name is Johnson and says Hunter Johnson all together. The other day he even caught the football from a short distance about 6-8 times in a row! He's currently sleeping about 12-13 hours at night with an 1.5ish hour nap during the day.
He's such a sweet little boy and when he tells you he loves you out of the blue it just melts my heart!
Monday, January 10, 2011
Negotiation - Toddler Style
Hunter LOVES Mickey Mouse and Elmo. He always asks to watch them but, of course, doesn't get to as much as he would like to. Somewhere along the line he's learned that persistence pays off though, because if I say no to Mickey, he'll go through the entire line of characters hoping that I'll eventually cave. The conversation goes a little something like this -
H: "Mickey, please"
Me: "Not right now, sweetie"
H: "Minnie Mouse"
Me: "No, Hunter"
H: "Goofy"
Me: "Maybe later"
H: "Duck"
Me: (starting to ignore him)
H: "Elmo"
and it continues...."Big Bird, Ernie, Bert, Oscar, Peeeeeeeease Mama."
He also picked up on one of the not-so-common Mickey Mouse characters while he got to watch whatever he wanted to in the car during our road trip. The older duck with the glasses named Professor Von Drake, or "Propessor Dake" as Hunter says. Sometimes he'll throw that one in there too because he knows it cracks me up every time. :)
H: "Mickey, please"
Me: "Not right now, sweetie"
H: "Minnie Mouse"
Me: "No, Hunter"
H: "Goofy"
Me: "Maybe later"
H: "Duck"
Me: (starting to ignore him)
H: "Elmo"
and it continues...."Big Bird, Ernie, Bert, Oscar, Peeeeeeeease Mama."
He also picked up on one of the not-so-common Mickey Mouse characters while he got to watch whatever he wanted to in the car during our road trip. The older duck with the glasses named Professor Von Drake, or "Propessor Dake" as Hunter says. Sometimes he'll throw that one in there too because he knows it cracks me up every time. :)
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
We spent Christmas morning here at home this year. Santa was very good to Hunter and Andrew. They woke up Christmas morning and opened their gifts and later on we hit to road to drive up to Indianapolis to see my family. This is the 3rd time we've driven. The first time was pre-baby and it took us 16 hours. Last year, Hunter was 8 months old and it took us 19 hours. This year it was about 17 1/2. Not too bad and Hunter really did great overall in the car. He had his moments, but heck, so did we! All I can say is thank goodness for the Volvo DVD system!
We arrived on the 26th and got to spend a couple of days hanging out with Aunt Mitty and Uncle Brian (and their doggie "Petch" -- translation: Fletch) before they jetted off to Florida for the new year. We spent some time with Grandma Hunter and other family members, and of course Hunter loved hanging out at Mimi and Papa's house (with their doggie "Fo-fee" -- Sophie).
Big milestone here - Hunter pee-peed in the big potty for the first time on 12/26! I'm not expecting this to become a regular thing, but he said he had to go and sure enough, he went! There was a bit of a mess involved, so I'll spare you the details. :) He has a Sesame Street potty seat that sits on top of the big potty here but all he does is sit there and point/name all of the characters. I think I'll need to get a plain one when we start full-blown potty training!
I was terrible at taking pictures once again, but here are few from the past couple of weeks.
Hunter's new playhouse:

Trying to get a good pic for our Christmas cards:

Opening his rocking chair from Mimi and Papa on Christmas Eve:
New Year's Eve dinner - here he is looking at pictures of himself on Mimi's phone:
Hunter, Daddy and Papa. It was actually quite balmy in Indy that night:

I have NO idea where he picked this up but think it is totally hilarious and still crack up when I watch it. I guess he's seen AJ doing push-ups before, but it is one of those things that the says/does out of the blue that make you realize how much he actually does pick up on! Such a little show-off. :)
We spent Christmas morning here at home this year. Santa was very good to Hunter and Andrew. They woke up Christmas morning and opened their gifts and later on we hit to road to drive up to Indianapolis to see my family. This is the 3rd time we've driven. The first time was pre-baby and it took us 16 hours. Last year, Hunter was 8 months old and it took us 19 hours. This year it was about 17 1/2. Not too bad and Hunter really did great overall in the car. He had his moments, but heck, so did we! All I can say is thank goodness for the Volvo DVD system!
We arrived on the 26th and got to spend a couple of days hanging out with Aunt Mitty and Uncle Brian (and their doggie "Petch" -- translation: Fletch) before they jetted off to Florida for the new year. We spent some time with Grandma Hunter and other family members, and of course Hunter loved hanging out at Mimi and Papa's house (with their doggie "Fo-fee" -- Sophie).
Big milestone here - Hunter pee-peed in the big potty for the first time on 12/26! I'm not expecting this to become a regular thing, but he said he had to go and sure enough, he went! There was a bit of a mess involved, so I'll spare you the details. :) He has a Sesame Street potty seat that sits on top of the big potty here but all he does is sit there and point/name all of the characters. I think I'll need to get a plain one when we start full-blown potty training!
I was terrible at taking pictures once again, but here are few from the past couple of weeks.
Hunter's new playhouse:
Trying to get a good pic for our Christmas cards:
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