Hunter's response to anything has been "Why?" for quite a while now. I've gotten pretty good at the game and can go one for several back and forth questions/answers until he stops asking. :) However, lately he has been taking it to a new level. He has been pointing out objects that he doesn't know the name of and asking what it is used for.
H: "What's that thing?"
Me: "A whisk"
H: "Whisk. What do you use it for?"
If he sees an animal that he doesn't recognize, he also asks what it is and wants to know what it says. I love that he is so inquisitive and eager to learn. It's so fun teaching him new things.
We have had a ridiculously hot summer. This week we finally started seeing some temps in the 90s, but had 80ish 100+ degree days this summer. We've enjoyed getting out and walking again in the mornings and the 90s have been a nice break from the blazing heat. Hunter has really enjoyed playing in the backyard this week and stopping at the playground on our walks. Here are some playground pics....sometimes he is more interested in picking up nuts and playing with the mulch on the ground than actually playing on the playground. :)

We converted Hunter's crib to a toddler bed on 8/28. He loves his big boy bed and has done remarkably well in it.
Here is his last time sleeping in his crib :( -

And his new big boy bed! -