I must say, Halloween has never really been one of my favorite holidays but I really look forward to it now that I have a child. Hunter was super cute last year but this year he really "got it". We talked for a while leading up to it about what he was going to dress up as and what trick-or-treating was. (Side note: I'm told that this is really the last year I'll get to pick what to dress him us as since he'll probably have his own very strong opinion about that next year. We'll see!) He's had fund dressing up in his cowboy boots while waiting to wear them on Halloween.
This year he was Woody from the movie "Toy Story". I started working on his costume well in advance so it was all put together in plenty of time. My mom always made our costumes when we were growing up and I really wish I could make his costumes special like that, although I'm not quite there yet in my sewing skills. :) So, thank goodness for Etsy and Amazon!
We got started a little on the early side so we could get finished before it got too dark and come home to hand out our candy. Hunter did a great job and had the hang of it in no time, other than not understanding why he couldn't eat every piece of candy as he got it. :)
He wasn't really in the picture taking mood....he was too preoccupied with getting started trick-or-treating, but I managed to get a few pics...
Before we headed out -

Heading up the neighbor's driveway -

Hunter and Owen the pirate -

I picked Skittles....SEE!