Cole is one month old! He had his well-check yesterday and weighed in at 8 lbs, 5.5 oz (25th %) and 20.5 inches (25th %). It was a pretty boring check-up and we like those....nothing major to report other than he's doing great!
It's a little crazy to think that he's been here for a month already. He's still sleeping for longer periods of time during the day and waking about every 2-3 hours at night, so we'll try to get his days switched around to where they need to be. Easier said than done....
He likes: being held, swaddled, sucking, and is really starting to watch us and things that are going on around him. He seems to prefer sleeping more upright in something like his swing or bouncy seat. He's had a couple of bottles and is taking them well so far.
He doesn't like: having his clothes or diaper changed. He's starting to realize that baths aren't so bad after all, although he prefers to be dressed as soon as humanly possible afterward. :)
Here are a couple of pictures from his one month birthday today. He didn't really feel like having his picture taken at the time, so I didn't get very many good ones.

In Hunter news, he is now registered preschooler! He'll start in the fall 2 days as week. I can't believe it's time for him to start school. I'm sad that he's growing up so fast but, at the same time, am excited for all of the new things he'll learn. He's such a big boy and great big brother.