Monday, November 30, 2009
For Thanksgiving this year we took Hunter and Andrew up to see AJ's side of the family in New Jersey. It was a fairly quick trip - we were only there for 3 nights - but we packed a lot of fun into those days! We had a direct flight, which was nice, but it was long and Hunter didn't sleep very well during either flight. I don't know if it is just a fluke or if it is what we are in for from now on with him getting older. AJ's mom made a delicious Thanksgiving meal and it was the first time that I have met several of AJ's relatives so it was nice to be able to meet everyone. Here is Hunter meeting his Nana for the first time:
We went to Breakfast with Santa put on by the Junior League before we left for NJ. It was a little disappointing, to be honest. The breakfast wasn't anything to write home about although they did have some crafts that Hunter could have enjoyed if he was a little older. Hunter did great meeting Santa for the first time, however. He sat on Santa's lap for at least a solid minute just staring up and him before he decided Santa's beard needed a good tug! We finally got him to look at the camera and I thought the pic turned out great!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
First Tooth!
Monday I noticed a little something starting to come to the surface on Hunter's bottom gum and over the past couple of days it has gotten closer and closer to poking through. Today you can definitely feel the top of it and it is sharp! It is also easily visible, that is, when he will let you put your fingers in his mouth to try to see it..most of the time he spits my finger out. :) He's handled teething pretty well, although you can tell that it is bothering him during the night. He's back to waking up every 2-3 hours but hopefully that will pass once his tooth is fully in. I did get a pic of him with an open mouth last night and you can just barely see it if the pic is zoomed in on his mouth. Just in time for Thanksgiving dinner!
He loves his butternut squash. I mixed it with apples one day and he loved that as well. We've started the Gerber puffs, which are very similar to Cheerios except that they melt in your mouth. At first he wasn't too sure of them but now he can't get enough. He's trying to pick them up on his own but they're too small for his little fingers to grasp just yet. I also picked up some Baby Mum-Mum's yesterday and he's doing great feeding himself with those! These are like rice teether biscuits. Here is some video from lunch today.
Monday, November 16, 2009
7 months!
Hunter turned 7 months old on the 12th - it is so hard to believe! He didn't have a well baby check this month, but I tried to measure and weigh him myself and from what I can tell he is in between 16.5 and 17 lbs and is about 25 1/4 inches long. Such a big boy!
Since about 6 months he has gone from getting up every 2-3 hours to about twice a night. Last night he slept from 8pm-4am! Naptime is pretty sporadic but we've been getting at least one good one in there per day recently.
We ran out of organic fruits and veggies that we could get on this side of town so we made a trip down to Whole Foods this week. His new vegetable is butternut squash and he seems to really like it. He loves to drink water from a regular cup or a sippy cup and is doing pretty well at holding his sippy cup on his own. He is very interested in whatever you have or what people around him are doing and loves to grab and touch new things. He still loves to jump in his Baby Einstein jumper and roll around on the floor and Mimi discovered he is ticklish on his feet. :)
Since about 6 months he has gone from getting up every 2-3 hours to about twice a night. Last night he slept from 8pm-4am! Naptime is pretty sporadic but we've been getting at least one good one in there per day recently.
We ran out of organic fruits and veggies that we could get on this side of town so we made a trip down to Whole Foods this week. His new vegetable is butternut squash and he seems to really like it. He loves to drink water from a regular cup or a sippy cup and is doing pretty well at holding his sippy cup on his own. He is very interested in whatever you have or what people around him are doing and loves to grab and touch new things. He still loves to jump in his Baby Einstein jumper and roll around on the floor and Mimi discovered he is ticklish on his feet. :)
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Family Vaca
Last week Hunter took his 4th plane ride to Naples, FL, where we vacationed with Mimi, Papa, Aunt Whitney and Uncle Brian. Brian's parents own a home in Naples and they were generous enough to let us stay there and we had a such a good time. Hunter loved their pool. He splashed all around and loved being in the water. Here are some pics of our stay -
Hunter practicing his free throw:
The girls at the pier:
Family pic:
Whitney was playing with him one morning and I finally got his baby laugh on video. I love it!
Hunter practicing his free throw:
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Happy Halloween from the little monkey!
Hunter dressed up as a cute little monkey for his first Halloween. He stayed home with me and handed out candy while AJ took Andrew trick-or-treating, and I think he liked seeing the costumes. He got to stay up a little past his bedtime and did pretty well!

He is becoming quite mobile. He has learned how to get from place to place by rolling so I am really having to keep an eye on him now. Even if I am just standing in the kitchen doing dishes, he is bound to be halfway across the room when I look up! Here he is last night - I put him down on his blanket and he made his way over to his Baby Einstein gym and started playing there.

He is doing really well with his solid foods. So far we haven't run into anything that he blatantly hates or spits back out at me. It seems to be more of the different textures than the tastes that throw him for a loop more than anything.
His personality is really starting to show and it is so fun to watch. He is quite the little flirt and was a hit yesterday with the ladies at Nordstrom as he cracked up laughing while people were walking by him and shopping. On Sunday we walked the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure and he got a little fidgety in his stroller at times. I had to carry him for a few stretches and he just loved looking around and smiling and laughing at the people walking by him. I need to get this on video - it is just the cutest!
He is becoming quite mobile. He has learned how to get from place to place by rolling so I am really having to keep an eye on him now. Even if I am just standing in the kitchen doing dishes, he is bound to be halfway across the room when I look up! Here he is last night - I put him down on his blanket and he made his way over to his Baby Einstein gym and started playing there.
He is doing really well with his solid foods. So far we haven't run into anything that he blatantly hates or spits back out at me. It seems to be more of the different textures than the tastes that throw him for a loop more than anything.
His personality is really starting to show and it is so fun to watch. He is quite the little flirt and was a hit yesterday with the ladies at Nordstrom as he cracked up laughing while people were walking by him and shopping. On Sunday we walked the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure and he got a little fidgety in his stroller at times. I had to carry him for a few stretches and he just loved looking around and smiling and laughing at the people walking by him. I need to get this on video - it is just the cutest!
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