He is becoming quite mobile. He has learned how to get from place to place by rolling so I am really having to keep an eye on him now. Even if I am just standing in the kitchen doing dishes, he is bound to be halfway across the room when I look up! Here he is last night - I put him down on his blanket and he made his way over to his Baby Einstein gym and started playing there.
He is doing really well with his solid foods. So far we haven't run into anything that he blatantly hates or spits back out at me. It seems to be more of the different textures than the tastes that throw him for a loop more than anything.
His personality is really starting to show and it is so fun to watch. He is quite the little flirt and was a hit yesterday with the ladies at Nordstrom as he cracked up laughing while people were walking by him and shopping. On Sunday we walked the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure and he got a little fidgety in his stroller at times. I had to carry him for a few stretches and he just loved looking around and smiling and laughing at the people walking by him. I need to get this on video - it is just the cutest!
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