He is a very active little guy. Now that he's walking he would rather walk around and get into things that he isn't supposed to rather than play with the bijillion toys he has in the living room. He is getting faster and faster at walking but still has to crawl over to something to pull up to a standing position. He is quite the talker, but not so much around other people. He's also getting into a little bit of a shy phase but a lot of friends I've talked to say their babies went through the same thing at this age. He's much more verbal when he's at home than when he's out at an unfamiliar place. He repeats what you say at the end of a sentence when you're not even expecting it which is soooo cute. Example: Me: "Mommy is opening the blinds." H: "Bides", Andrew: "I wonder why Hunter likes touching your chin" AJ: "Because it's scratchy" H: "Cat-shee". He's a downright genius, I tell ya!
He is doing MUCH better from a sleep perspective. We're getting in a solid 10:30am nap AND 3pm nap. Woo hoo! He's going down while still awake and putting himself to sleep both at night and naptime, which honestly I never thought I'd see. :) I'll savor this as long as I can before he starts cutting out one of those naps.
He really amazes me every day. He's still so cuddly and I am making sure to savor every moment because I know it won't be long until he's too busy to love his mama!
Here are a couple of recent pics:
With Mimi before we had to take her to the airport. :(
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