Hunter's new response to everything is "Yes". It's very cute and I'm glad he prefers it over "No" (although he does tell the dog no and shush her on occasion). He not only responds yes when you ask him a question, but he preemptively says "Yes, yes, yes" for something he sees that he wants. Example - If he sees one of us eating fruit, he drops everything and comes over, saying "Yes, yes, yes". If he wants his shoes on, he'll bring them over to you saying "Yes, yes, yes". He'll bring his monkey backpack over to you saying "Yes, yes, yes". I was having a little fun with the yes questions/answers in the store the other day and couldn't resist sharing the video. I think it is hilarious. I'm having trouble with the Blogger video upload so here is the YouTube link:
He's now saying "Uh oh". He likes to say it when he falls down or anything falls on the floor, even if it is a purposeful drop/throw. Sometimes says it before he drops/throws just to let you know what's coming up. Another new favorite is "Hello" as he holds the phone to his ear. Most often it is the phone at least -- it can also be his hand, the monitor, a shoe -- anything that makes sense to put to his ear. :) I've been trying to take video of it but it he mostly has my cell phone when doing it and by the time I get back from grabbing the real video camera he quits performing. Today he grabbed my phone and said "Hello....hello....Mimi". I said "Do you want to call Mimi?", which he of course responded "Yes" to. So, we called Mimi. :) It is so much fun to have little mini conversations with him. He is growing up TOO fast!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Indianapolis Children's Museum and trip update
Hunter and I took a trip home last week for a few days. We saw Grandma (his Great-Grandma but that is waaay too many syllables :) ) one day, and met up with my college roommate Nicolle and her son Hudson at the Children's Museum another day. Indy has a fantastic Children's Museum. It is huge, has a lot of exhibits - complete with a carousel - and hours of entertainment. I wish the Austin Children's Museum was like that! Here are some pics from the day...
It's hard to get two toddlers to look at the camera at the same time--

Fun in the water and sand --

First time riding a carousel --
Hanging out with Great-Grandma Hunter -
Playing with Aunt Whitney --
Hunter loved to walk all around and occasionally sit on the chairs (he says "up, up!") in the screened-in porch --
This was our first flight since Hunter has been walking so I prepared us with plenty of surprises to break out when he wanted to get down and run. He actually slept for a majority of our flight up from Dallas to Indy but wasn't so great today on our flight home. AJ had a work trip which landed him in Columbus, OH while we were in Indy so he drove over last night to see us and fly home with us today. It definately helped to have Daddy there to entertain, change laps, and so forth. All in all, it wasn't too bad at all and am chalking up to a success. :)
It's hard to get two toddlers to look at the camera at the same time--
Monday, August 16, 2010
16 months old, 1st haircut and new tooth!
Well, either I measured incorrectly last month or Hunter hasn't really grown that much this month because it looks like he is still around 30.5 inches long and about 21.5 lbs. We have a lot of exciting updates since my last post!
Hunter had his first haircut on Friday, 8/13 (which also happens to be AJ's birthday). We went to a little place called Snip-Its. They cater to kids and it was very cute and entertaining. Hunter really did a great job...he wasn't super squirmy and behaved very well. I was sad to get his hair cut for the first time -- it feels like we're running out of "firsts" -- but I managed to hold it together. :) Here are a couple of pics:
Pre-haircut. Look at those curls!

Mid-cut...being entertained by Daddy and some Goldfish:
Post-cut with his new big boy 'do:

1st haircut certificate:

Hunter's 8th tooth finally popped through yesterday. He now has 4 on top and 4 on bottom. His little gums are so swollen around where his molar would be coming through and I think it is really bothering him right now. Last night he woke up at 1am for the first time in months.

Hunter had his first haircut on Friday, 8/13 (which also happens to be AJ's birthday). We went to a little place called Snip-Its. They cater to kids and it was very cute and entertaining. Hunter really did a great job...he wasn't super squirmy and behaved very well. I was sad to get his hair cut for the first time -- it feels like we're running out of "firsts" -- but I managed to hold it together. :) Here are a couple of pics:
Pre-haircut. Look at those curls!
Hunter's 8th tooth finally popped through yesterday. He now has 4 on top and 4 on bottom. His little gums are so swollen around where his molar would be coming through and I think it is really bothering him right now. Last night he woke up at 1am for the first time in months.
He has learned how to fist bump -- "pump??"-- anyway, REALLY cute. He's also starting to hide things in random places. GREAT. The other day I found his missing shoe in a kitchen cabinet. The next day, a coaster in the plant. Today, some laundry in a shopping bag. I'm just waiting for the day that I can't find my cell phone and I hear it ringing in the trash can. He's also becoming quite the climber. He's been using his little musical table as leverage to climb up on to the ottoman and the fireplace so I thought it would be safe in the middle of the room.....not so much....
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Hunter's 7th tooth
After a month of looking like it was going to pop through any day now, Hunter's 7th tooth is officially here. He now as 4 on bottom and 3 on top. He's not a fan of getting his teeth brushed so I've given in and have reverted back to the finger brush rather than the big boy toddler toothbrush. I've tried sitting him up on the bathroom sink while I brush my teeth so he can see how "cool" it is but that's not exactly working for him, sooo....we'll have to keep trying with that!
I think it's about time that I break down and get his hair cut for the first time. :( Check out his bedhead from his nap the other day - his hair can get a little crazy looking at times! I'll be sad to see his curls go!

You can't really see the curls in the back in this pic because I had just brushed his hair but you can definitely see how long it has gotten! His Elmo DVD is on this TV in our bedroom so he always heads over for it and turns the TV off and on and off and on. Then, he takes the DVD out of the DVD player and walks around with it saying "Elmo, Elmo". This is why we keep all of the doors that he can access during the day. :)
His newest words are "baby" and "pizza". It makes me a little sad to hear him saying "baby" because I feel like HE should be the baby! I have some Lean Cuisine pizzas in the freezer and now it's "pizza, pizza, pizza" whenever I open the door and he sees one. Not to mention, whenever I buy his little frozen Earth's Best pizzas they have Elmo on the box which only adds to his obsession. He has to hold the box while we finish shopping to keep him quiet!
I think it's about time that I break down and get his hair cut for the first time. :( Check out his bedhead from his nap the other day - his hair can get a little crazy looking at times! I'll be sad to see his curls go!
You can't really see the curls in the back in this pic because I had just brushed his hair but you can definitely see how long it has gotten! His Elmo DVD is on this TV in our bedroom so he always heads over for it and turns the TV off and on and off and on. Then, he takes the DVD out of the DVD player and walks around with it saying "Elmo, Elmo". This is why we keep all of the doors that he can access during the day. :)
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