After a month of looking like it was going to pop through any day now, Hunter's 7th tooth is officially here. He now as 4 on bottom and 3 on top. He's not a fan of getting his teeth brushed so I've given in and have reverted back to the finger brush rather than the big boy toddler toothbrush. I've tried sitting him up on the bathroom sink while I brush my teeth so he can see how "cool" it is but that's not exactly working for him, sooo....we'll have to keep trying with that!
I think it's about time that I break down and get his hair cut for the first time. :( Check out his bedhead from his nap the other day - his hair can get a little crazy looking at times! I'll be sad to see his curls go!

You can't really see the curls in the back in this pic because I had just brushed his hair but you can definitely see how long it has gotten! His Elmo DVD is on this TV in our bedroom so he always heads over for it and turns the TV off and on and off and on. Then, he takes the DVD out of the DVD player and walks around with it saying "Elmo, Elmo". This is why we keep all of the doors that he can access during the day. :)

His newest words are "baby" and "pizza". It makes me a little sad to hear him saying "baby" because I feel like HE should be the baby! I have some Lean Cuisine pizzas in the freezer and now it's "pizza, pizza, pizza" whenever I open the door and he sees one. Not to mention, whenever I buy his little frozen Earth's Best pizzas they have Elmo on the box which only adds to his obsession. He has to hold the box while we finish shopping to keep him quiet!
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