At 20 months, Hunter is an absolute hoot. He is such a little parrot and will repeat ANYTHING. Example: Yesterday as I was driving my GPS says "Turn left", I hear a little voice in the backseat saying "left, left, left". He repeats pretty much anything at the end of a sentence. He's putting sentences together like "Mommy's car", "Hunter's jacket", "Two socks". When he hears someone laughing or just thinks something is funny, he'll crack up and then sigh with an "aww, man!" at the end. Hilarious! He has great manners and even impressed another grandmother while we were in the waiting room at a Dr.'s office the other day.
Also....he can COUNT!!! He doesn't start at one and go to two, three, four, five, but he does start at one and when you ask what comes after one he says two, ask what comes after two and he says three, ask what comes after three and he says four, ask what comes after four and he says three. :) We're getting there!
There is a gymnastics studio here in town that opens up their gym to toddlers on Mondays and Fridays. Our friend Allison introduced it to us and it is a great way to let him run off some energy in the mornings. He's still going to Gymboree and loves it, although isn't into the class portion of it as much as the free playtime.

We are making a little progress on eating with utensils. He is more and more interested in them and requests a "pork" at every meal. He can sometimes get the food on his fork and into his mouth, but mostly holds it in one hand and eats with the other hand. I still wouldn't trust him with a spoon and jar of yogurt all by himself yet though!
Ready for Christmas!
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