My little Hunter Bear is almost two! How is that even possible?!?
At 22 months, Hunter is the sweetest little boy. He just says and does the cutest things and has great manners. He even thanks himself sometimes when he does something nice. :) He even has good manners with strangers - "Bless you, guy" - totally unprompted to a gentleman sitting next to us who sneezed. :) His only bad manner so far seems to be one that we've been struggling with ever since he has been feeding himself - throwing food on the floor from his highchair. If anyone reading this has any suggestions on how to get this to stop, I'm all ears.
He pretty much knows all uppercase letters, around 5 lowercase letters, and numbers 1-9 at this point. Sometimes he will get a couple of them mixed up, but he's got them all down pat for the most part. If you hold up a letter or point to a letter he correctly identifies it. He will say what letters he sees at random times (walking into CVS, you hear "C" "V" "S" as he points towards each). If he is sitting on my lap at the computer he will point to letters on the keyboard and say which one he is pointing to. It's pretty stinkin' cute. This also works in reverse, so if you tell him to find a letter on a page or the keyboard he will point to it.
He's always been a yes man up to this point but "no" is slowly starting to make its way into his vocabulary. He still says yes for most things but when you ask him things like if he's tired, if he wants to go to bed, if he needs a diaper change, the answer is a firm (and quick!) "no".
Speaking of not wanting to go to bed, he's starting some bedtime stalling tactics which are pretty funny and cute. When he's saying night-night to whoever isn't putting him to bed, he'll start telling other random things he sees night-night too - "Night-night TV", "Night-night chair", "Night-Night cup". And he always mysteriously needs a long drink of water right at the time we are headed into his room.....weird how that is. :)
He's getting MUCH better with his utensils. He loves to use a fork and is doing a pretty good job at getting things onto it and in his mouth.
He still loves Mickey Mouse and Elmo but has really gotten into playing with trains lately. He still loves any kind of ball and loves jumping. He's such a funny little boy and has such a great personality.
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