I don't know if I would quite yet say that Hunter is potty trainED, but we are definitely potty trainING. I'm a big believer in letting them stay little while you can and not pushing things on them, but he's been showing most of the signs. Plus, from what I have read and from what Dr. Dan told us in our well check, any time now is a good time to start trying. He especially mentioned that the little ones who are really verbal are usually early to train.
Last week he went potty in the big potty 3 times by asking to, so I figured I'd give it a shot this week. I must say, he has been doing remarkably well. So far this has been WAY easier than I ever anticipated. He's had some accidents here and there but that is to be expected. He's been solely in underwear this week, even during outings, except for naps and bedtime. He's actually been waking up dry from his naps for the past 4 days so I think I'll try to keep him in his underwear for naps next week. I just want to be sure he's ready for it before I take that step. :)
The reason I say we are training, rather than officially calling him trained is because he still isn't stopping play to tell me that he needs to go. He's really great when I pull him away from what he's doing to go, but I guess him taking the initiative to go will be the next step. Regardless, way to go, Hunter! He is doing a great job and I am super proud mommy!
Friday, April 29, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Happy Easter!
Even though Easter is not Hunter's actual birthday, it is always going to be even more special since he was born on Easter Sunday 2 years ago. This boy might just be able to make a birthday week and entire birthday month!
We started out the weekend by going to our friends Joel and Leah's Easter party on Saturday. We had so much fun and it was a fantastic party. The kids got to hunt Easter eggs, pin the nose on the bunny, color eggs and smash cascarones. Hunter just participated in the egg hunt and the cascarone smashing but we really enjoyed the party and all of the yummy food!

Here is my little handsome man before church this morning. Happy Easter!
We started out the weekend by going to our friends Joel and Leah's Easter party on Saturday. We had so much fun and it was a fantastic party. The kids got to hunt Easter eggs, pin the nose on the bunny, color eggs and smash cascarones. Hunter just participated in the egg hunt and the cascarone smashing but we really enjoyed the party and all of the yummy food!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Houston Aquarium and 2 year stats
Birthday week continued for Mr. Hunter William as this weekend we ventured up to Houston to visit the Aquarium. Hunter loves looking at "ishies" so we knew he would really get a kick out of it. It was nice - a little smaller than I anticipated - but really, I guess how many different kinds of fish can you see in a day. They did have alligators, turtles, snakes, lizards, sharks, and a white tiger. We also rode the choo-choo train and carousel.
Hunter had his two year well check with Dr. Dan today. I am ecstatic to report his stats. He is 34 inches tall (40th %) and 26 lbs, 14 oz (35th %)! Why am I so excited about this, you may ask...? He has been hovering around the 5-10th percentile in height ever since he was born so I was getting a little worried that he was going to grow up to be a small little guy. I've definitely noticed that he's been getting taller since he can reach more things and can officially open all doors with ease. On top of that, he was SO GOOD for his visit. He let Dr. Dan do everything that he needed to do without protesting one bit and barely let out a whine when he got his two shots. He was such a big boy and Dr. Dan said he was the easiest two year old he's seen all month! I was so proud of him so I took him on our first frozen yogurt date afterward.

He mostly just played with it, but he did say "Mmm, ice cream so yummy". :) GREAT day!
Hunter had his two year well check with Dr. Dan today. I am ecstatic to report his stats. He is 34 inches tall (40th %) and 26 lbs, 14 oz (35th %)! Why am I so excited about this, you may ask...? He has been hovering around the 5-10th percentile in height ever since he was born so I was getting a little worried that he was going to grow up to be a small little guy. I've definitely noticed that he's been getting taller since he can reach more things and can officially open all doors with ease. On top of that, he was SO GOOD for his visit. He let Dr. Dan do everything that he needed to do without protesting one bit and barely let out a whine when he got his two shots. He was such a big boy and Dr. Dan said he was the easiest two year old he's seen all month! I was so proud of him so I took him on our first frozen yogurt date afterward.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Happy 2nd Birthday, Hunter!
I wish I had a magic remote to slow down the time! Hunter turned 2 on Tuesday, April 12th. I still remember that day like it was yesterday and he has brought so much joy to our lives. There isn't a day that goes by that he doesn't make me laugh or do something that amazes me with his sweetness, innocence, and comprehension. I just love this sweet little guy so much!
Over the past month, he has been doing and saying some pretty funny things. He says "hi" to everyone. Cute, and very social, but when we had the carpet cleaners here last week he said "hi" to them every single time they passed by him. I think they started to get annoyed but it made me feel bad for him when they ignored him. When he wants to do something, it is "time" for it, e.g., "na na time" (time to eat - he still calls food in general na na, even though he knows the names to all of his foods), "play Owen time", "watch Dada time", "shoot basketball time". You get the idea. His other new favorite sayings are "Oh, what's that, Mama?" or "What happened?". Also, when he eats, he wants to eat whatever you are eating, even if he doesn't know what it is or if he has just eaten himself and he LOVES to dip things. Finally, he pooped in the potty for the first time on 3/29! Yay Hunter!
We've had quite the birthday week celebration! As I mentioned in his party post, Mimi and Papa were here to celebrate with us. He LOVES having them here and asks where they are when he can't see them. Sunday, the day after his party, we all went to the Round Rock Express (Minor League baseball) game. Hunter has been loving baseball lately so he really got a kick out of it and it was a gorgeous day to sit outside. We were in a suite so we were in the shade and could go inside to the air conditioning whenever we wanted. It also helped to be in a "box" so Hunter was limited in how far back and forth he could go up and down the aisle. His friend Owen and his Mommy, April joined us.

Here are some pics of Hunter on his big number 2! We just hung out and played around the house during the day and had curried spaghetti for dinner for the first time - a Winship family favorite! - (if you are reading this and you know what curried spaghetti is, you have known me for a LONG time!) and cupcakes for dessert.

They say that the terrible two's are turned on like a switch, and I have already gotten a little glimpse of that. Hunter started making this face literally the day after he turned two. It is his "I don't like this/I'm confused/This isn't what I had in mind" face.
We took Mimi and Papa back to the airport yesterday and Hunter fell asleep in the car on the way there. He woke up after we dropped them off and I knew he was going to be confused since they were there when he fell asleep and not there anymore when he woke up. He immediately looked over to where Mimi was sitting and said "Mimi, come here please". :( Sad! Hopefully we will see them again soon. We are so glad they were here to celebrate with us!
Over the past month, he has been doing and saying some pretty funny things. He says "hi" to everyone. Cute, and very social, but when we had the carpet cleaners here last week he said "hi" to them every single time they passed by him. I think they started to get annoyed but it made me feel bad for him when they ignored him. When he wants to do something, it is "time" for it, e.g., "na na time" (time to eat - he still calls food in general na na, even though he knows the names to all of his foods), "play Owen time", "watch Dada time", "shoot basketball time". You get the idea. His other new favorite sayings are "Oh, what's that, Mama?" or "What happened?". Also, when he eats, he wants to eat whatever you are eating, even if he doesn't know what it is or if he has just eaten himself and he LOVES to dip things. Finally, he pooped in the potty for the first time on 3/29! Yay Hunter!
We've had quite the birthday week celebration! As I mentioned in his party post, Mimi and Papa were here to celebrate with us. He LOVES having them here and asks where they are when he can't see them. Sunday, the day after his party, we all went to the Round Rock Express (Minor League baseball) game. Hunter has been loving baseball lately so he really got a kick out of it and it was a gorgeous day to sit outside. We were in a suite so we were in the shade and could go inside to the air conditioning whenever we wanted. It also helped to be in a "box" so Hunter was limited in how far back and forth he could go up and down the aisle. His friend Owen and his Mommy, April joined us.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Party Day!
Yesterday was Hunter's 2nd birthday party! We had a blast with about seven of his friends coming over to celebrate with us. Mimi and Papa flew in as well and, as usual, saved the day in helping me with the preparations!
The theme was Mickey Mouse. Here is his cake:
A balloon artist made balloon animals for the kids:
Yummy cake!

Hunter's buddy Harrison just had a birthday too, so he came knowing exactly what the best part of a birthday party is - cake! We were very happy he was able to come, considering his baby brother or sister was due to arrive that day!
Some pics of the kids playing:

It was a fantastic day and party and we felt a lot of love. :) Thanks to everyone who helped make it so special!
The theme was Mickey Mouse. Here is his cake:
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