Over the past month, he has been doing and saying some pretty funny things. He says "hi" to everyone. Cute, and very social, but when we had the carpet cleaners here last week he said "hi" to them every single time they passed by him. I think they started to get annoyed but it made me feel bad for him when they ignored him. When he wants to do something, it is "time" for it, e.g., "na na time" (time to eat - he still calls food in general na na, even though he knows the names to all of his foods), "play Owen time", "watch Dada time", "shoot basketball time". You get the idea. His other new favorite sayings are "Oh, what's that, Mama?" or "What happened?". Also, when he eats, he wants to eat whatever you are eating, even if he doesn't know what it is or if he has just eaten himself and he LOVES to dip things. Finally, he pooped in the potty for the first time on 3/29! Yay Hunter!
We've had quite the birthday week celebration! As I mentioned in his party post, Mimi and Papa were here to celebrate with us. He LOVES having them here and asks where they are when he can't see them. Sunday, the day after his party, we all went to the Round Rock Express (Minor League baseball) game. Hunter has been loving baseball lately so he really got a kick out of it and it was a gorgeous day to sit outside. We were in a suite so we were in the shade and could go inside to the air conditioning whenever we wanted. It also helped to be in a "box" so Hunter was limited in how far back and forth he could go up and down the aisle. His friend Owen and his Mommy, April joined us.
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