Here are a couple of pictures of him playing today:

This boy cracks me up every day. Sometimes he breaks out a new word that I've never heard him use before and it just makes me laugh (and realize how much he hears and processes!). For example, the other day while eating breakfast, he decided he didn't want his vitamin. He took it out of his mouth and said "I don't really like this. It's disgusting." I didn't even know he knew the word disgusting! He's also starting to create conversations between his toys, which is pretty funny to watch. He has a Buzz Lightyear and a Woody doll from "Toy Story" and he makes them talk to each other. He's definitely all boy - give him some sticks, rocks and dirt to play with and he's happy. On the other hand, he's very sweet and uses his manners very well. We certainly have some crazy times, but 6 months in to 2 years, I wouldn't call his twos "terrible" by any means! According to my measurements, he's about 36" tall and 30 lbs right now, and will be the first to tell you that he is far from a baby - he's a big boy!
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