After my mom left, AJ took off the last three days of last week to stay home with us and was determined to get Hunter potty trained while he was here. Hunter got to pick his reward for doing a great job pottying and he decided that he wanted to go bowling. "Real life bowling" as he put it!
I woke up one morning and AJ and printed out like 6-7 bowling pictures from the computer and they hung them around the house together so Hunter had a constant reminder of his reward. It was a really great idea. He was soooo excited to show them to me and ran around touching them all saying "bowling" as he hit them.

Every time Hunter went to the potty AJ would pretend like he was calling the bowling alley to tell them how well he was doing. I have to say, it ended up working great! He's been in underwear around the house and is now telling us when he has to go, which was our big hurdle when we tried this before. I was a little hesitant to even try it since they say kids can/will regress in things like this when you bring a new baby home, but I really think the timing ended up working well for Hunter because of all of the extra positive attention he was getting when he went potty.
I REALLY wanted to go bowling to be there for Hunter's special day but was hesitant to take Cole. I ended up going and kept Cole in his stroller with a blanket draped over his carrier, so you wouldn't have even known he was there. I just took pictures and watched while AJ and Hunter bowled. He had such a good time and it was so cute to watch. I'm so glad I ended up deciding to go.
He was skipping as we were walking in...

Check out his miniature bowling shoes....who knew they came in sizes small enough for a 2 year old!

Here is a video of him in action. Love it!
Dare I say that he's now officially potty trained??? I'll give it a couple of more days before making the official call, but signs are pointing to YES! I'm so proud of my guy!