My due date was 2/23, so he arrived a couple of weeks early like his big brother. Hunter was born at 36 weeks, 1 day so as I hit 36 weeks and beyond and we still didn't have a baby, it almost felt like I was overdue. I ended up being pregnant for two weeks longer than I was with Hunter. Cole came at 38 weeks, 1 day and it was quite a different experience from Hunter's birth...
Cole was in our arms less than an hour and a half after we arrived at the hospital. As I sat on the bed to get my epidural, my water broke and he was born 5 minutes later. So, I ended up having an unmedicated delivery, which was not in the plan...but, it definitely makes for a good story! AJ jokes that I scared any other poor souls that were laboring in rooms surrounding us. It was seriously like an out of body experience for me. Thank goodness I got a sweet baby out of the deal! :)
Cole has been doing great since his arrival. He's a very sweet little baby. He really doesn't cry very often and when he does he's pretty easy to calm down. He still sleeps most of the time at this point. Hunter loves being a big brother, but it's definitely been an adjustment for him. He's not jealous, but he's definitely a bit more sensitive right now than he usually is. I'm just trying to make sure that I give everyone the attention they need and that has been the biggest challenge for me.
Hunter had his first sleepover at his friend Owen's house while we were in the hospital. I was so worried about how we were going to handle arranging care for him if we didn't have any family in town yet and he ended up doing great. He also got to play at his friend Madison's house while we were checking out of the hospital on Sunday. Mom came in on Tuesday and will be here until next Tuesday. Hunter has loved having her around and she's been such a huge help. She has been making sure our house is clean and our freezer is stocked. I feel bad that she has been working so hard while she's here! I also have to give a lot of credit to AJ. He has been wonderful making sure we're all taking care of and holding down the fort around here. We've also had several friends bring by meals already. I'm just feeling so grateful and so fortunate to have all of the help that we have had. Our family and friends have been so wonderful.
Now for the good are some pics of Baby Cole and his proud big brother Hunter!

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