Cole is 2 months old! Time is already flying by.....we're pretty much at the point when you start referring to their age in months instead of weeks. It definitely makes me a little sad that he's getting so big already, but he's becoming more fun as well!
He's very alert his big, round eyes do a lot of exploring. There's usually a lot of action around here to keep him entertained! :) He still prefers to be held which kind of makes it a little difficult to get things done around here at times, but I enjoy having him close so I'm not complaining. In the sleep department, he usually goes down for about a 4 hour stretch initially and then is up every 2-ish hours after that, which is pretty much what I remember Hunter doing around this age. The sleep deprivation has been a bit easier this time around since I already knew what I was getting myself into. :) He likes to play under his Baby Einstein gym and doesn't mind tummy time very much at all. He's a babbler and a cooer....quite the little talker so far. He's even starting to not mind a little baby massage after his bath.
He had his well-check yesterday with Dr. Terwelp and is 22 inches long (25th %) and 10 lbs, 9 oz (25th %). He had to get five shots and one oral vaccine. I hate that. :( He checked out great and doesn't have to go back until 4 months!
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