The only challenge we've been having is with his sleep patterns. We talked to Dr. Terwelp about this and he said that physiologically he should be able to sleep 8-12 hours a night at this point. He also said that most babies are sleeping longer than Hunter does right now, although he does see some that are in the same boat so we're not exactly out of the norm. He suggested including rice cereal as a part of his bedtime routine to see if that might help him sleep longer. Tonight was the 3rd night we've tried it. So far it hasn't made a significant impact but he's still getting used to eating from a spoon and really spits most of it out right now.
We had dinner with our friends Mark and Allison last week. Their son is Harrison, who is one of Hunter's very first friends. Harrison is 2 months older than Hunter and you might remember me mentioning their playdates in previous posts. This is the first time that we stood Harrison and Hunter next to each other and it was sooo cute! Harrison touched Hunter's arm and Hunter didn't know what to think. We finally got a pic of the two of them together (thanks, Allison!).

Saving the best for last -- Hunter rolled over for the first time on 8/14! It was just the two of us at home and he did it twice. After that I realized it was the real thing and got the video camera and was able to capture it on video the 3rd time. :)
Your little dude is adorable. What a cutie!!!
My 2nd favorite thing about seeing videos of babies (1st fav thing is the baby, of course) is hearing the Mom in the background filled with such joy!! :)
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