I thought this was just too cute and funny not to post. Occasionally, Hunter will have an afternoon (or entire day) that he refuses to sleep, which I affectionately refer to as a nap strike. Usually he will either fall asleep and wake up within minutes of going down in his crib, making it perfectly clear that he does not intend to lay there any longer, or sometimes he just won't fall asleep at all in the first place. The other day we were having one of these afternoons - he wanted to play and wouldn't fall asleep. It looked a little something like this:

Followed by phase 2 of the nap strike, about 5 minutes later:

Sorry that it does not include sound... :)
He is almost to the point where everything goes in his mouth. His hands automatically do and he is getting to where he grasps different things and brings them to his mouth also. He is not quite rolling over but looks like he's getting close. He's got the baby push-up mastered!

Andrew has been here for two weeks so Hunter has had a lot of fun playing with him. He also had another playdate (aka Mommy Lunch) with his friend Harrison this week. Next week is his 4 month appointment and then the week after that Mimi visits!! I'll make sure to post an update after his check-up.
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