We nixed the rice cereal for now. He was doing a good job getting the hang of the spoon, but it wasn't making a difference in his sleep habits and it doesn't seem like his little system is just quite ready for it yet.
While Mom was here we took a trip out to the Oasis for lunch. For those of you not from Austin, the Oasis is a local restaurant out on Lake Travis which is famous for it's beautiful sunset view. We have a had a really rough summer. Yesterday we were on day 67 of triple digit days so far this year (the record is 69) and the lake levels are extremely low. It was so shocking to see how low the water was. I got home and compared to some old pics of the same view...

Our new favorite thing to do is Skype with Mimi. We finally got it hooked up and have been able to video chat with each other several times. It is so much fun! Now we hate having to talk on the phone without seeing each other. :)
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