Monday, December 14, 2009
8 months
Friday, December 11, 2009
Through the night!!!!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Another tooth!
Here is a pic of his first tooth before the 2nd one started to come in:
I'm getting very excited for his first Christmas. I know it will get more exciting every year as I start to see Christmas through his eyes and remember what it was like to anticipate Christmas as a child.
Here is another recent pic that I just thought was cute. Notice he only has once sock on, as he does in most of our recent pictures...that is because he loves to take his socks off and put them in his mouth. Still not crawling but he's definitely figured out how to get where he wants to go by rolling!
Monday, November 30, 2009

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
First Tooth!
Monday, November 16, 2009
7 months!
Since about 6 months he has gone from getting up every 2-3 hours to about twice a night. Last night he slept from 8pm-4am! Naptime is pretty sporadic but we've been getting at least one good one in there per day recently.
We ran out of organic fruits and veggies that we could get on this side of town so we made a trip down to Whole Foods this week. His new vegetable is butternut squash and he seems to really like it. He loves to drink water from a regular cup or a sippy cup and is doing pretty well at holding his sippy cup on his own. He is very interested in whatever you have or what people around him are doing and loves to grab and touch new things. He still loves to jump in his Baby Einstein jumper and roll around on the floor and Mimi discovered he is ticklish on his feet. :)
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Family Vaca
Hunter practicing his free throw:
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Happy Halloween from the little monkey!
He is becoming quite mobile. He has learned how to get from place to place by rolling so I am really having to keep an eye on him now. Even if I am just standing in the kitchen doing dishes, he is bound to be halfway across the room when I look up! Here he is last night - I put him down on his blanket and he made his way over to his Baby Einstein gym and started playing there.
He is doing really well with his solid foods. So far we haven't run into anything that he blatantly hates or spits back out at me. It seems to be more of the different textures than the tastes that throw him for a loop more than anything.
His personality is really starting to show and it is so fun to watch. He is quite the little flirt and was a hit yesterday with the ladies at Nordstrom as he cracked up laughing while people were walking by him and shopping. On Sunday we walked the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure and he got a little fidgety in his stroller at times. I had to carry him for a few stretches and he just loved looking around and smiling and laughing at the people walking by him. I need to get this on video - it is just the cutest!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Weekend Trip
His new food this week is bananas and so far they are just okay for him. Another one of his new tricks is blowing raspberries and he thinks it's funny to do it while he is eating. Once he learns how to make a new sound he likes to do it over and over and over again. He is also laughing a lot now - full blown deep belly laughs. It is the best sound in the world!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
6 month checkup
Our friend Allison organized a little playgroup with some of her friends that have babies around the same age and we had our first date yesterday. The oldest baby was born on February 2nd and Hunter is the youngest at April 12th so they're all pretty close to each other. We have 4 boys and 1 girl. They just played on their tummies on the floor and had a great time looking at each other.
I tested my movie-making skills (or lack therof) by putting together a little video of Hunter's first 6 months. It was the first time I have done anything like this so I have some work to do! Here is the YouTube link -
Monday, October 12, 2009
It goes by so fast...
Today we celebrated Hunter's 6 month birthday by going to get his pictures taken at Picture People. He flirted, smiled, and talked up the photographer and we got some great shots. The scan quality isn't that great but here are some of his shots...

Thursday, October 8, 2009
Last week was our 2 year anniversary and we went on our first date since Hunter was born. Our friend April babysat him. She has a 15 month old and her husband was out of town so she had both boys by herself. Whew! Sounds exhausting just typing it. :) Last night, AJ had a work dinner that spouses were invited to so we have had 2 dates in the past week! We're lucky to have great friends that we trust to leave our little one with.
Next week is a busy week - including his 6 month birthday and Dr. appointment!
Monday, September 28, 2009
New pic
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Busy, busy!
Hunter didn't have a well baby check-up at 5 months but I think he was just under 15 lbs. We'll see what he weighs in at when we go for his 6 month visit! I started his rice cereal again two nights ago since we'll be starting solids at 6 months and he is doing great with it! He is getting most of it in his mouth and not even making that big of a mess. I suspect that the tummy issues he was having before were not actually due to the cereal so I thought we'd give it another shot to see if it keeps him full at night. We'll see!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
LOL :)
Saturday was the Longhorns first football game. We took Hunter down to the action for a little bit to his 1st tailgate! I'll have to admit, I was pretty excited about his first football experience, although I did feel like I was cheating on my Hoosiers. I guess this means I'll have to take him to Assembly Hall as soon as possible. :) He seemed to really have fun. We were in a shaded area and the weather wasn't too bad. It actually looked like a storm was going to blow through at one point and cooled things off a bit although it never did rain. He liked being outside and even took a little snooze while we were there.

His favorite activity right now is to stand up in your lap and jump up and down. He is finally big enough for his Baby Einstein jumper and he can entertain himself for quite a while. He has a lot of fun in it!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Mimi visit
We nixed the rice cereal for now. He was doing a good job getting the hang of the spoon, but it wasn't making a difference in his sleep habits and it doesn't seem like his little system is just quite ready for it yet.
While Mom was here we took a trip out to the Oasis for lunch. For those of you not from Austin, the Oasis is a local restaurant out on Lake Travis which is famous for it's beautiful sunset view. We have a had a really rough summer. Yesterday we were on day 67 of triple digit days so far this year (the record is 69) and the lake levels are extremely low. It was so shocking to see how low the water was. I got home and compared to some old pics of the same view...

Our new favorite thing to do is Skype with Mimi. We finally got it hooked up and have been able to video chat with each other several times. It is so much fun! Now we hate having to talk on the phone without seeing each other. :)
Sunday, August 16, 2009
4 months
The only challenge we've been having is with his sleep patterns. We talked to Dr. Terwelp about this and he said that physiologically he should be able to sleep 8-12 hours a night at this point. He also said that most babies are sleeping longer than Hunter does right now, although he does see some that are in the same boat so we're not exactly out of the norm. He suggested including rice cereal as a part of his bedtime routine to see if that might help him sleep longer. Tonight was the 3rd night we've tried it. So far it hasn't made a significant impact but he's still getting used to eating from a spoon and really spits most of it out right now.
We had dinner with our friends Mark and Allison last week. Their son is Harrison, who is one of Hunter's very first friends. Harrison is 2 months older than Hunter and you might remember me mentioning their playdates in previous posts. This is the first time that we stood Harrison and Hunter next to each other and it was sooo cute! Harrison touched Hunter's arm and Hunter didn't know what to think. We finally got a pic of the two of them together (thanks, Allison!).

Saving the best for last -- Hunter rolled over for the first time on 8/14! It was just the two of us at home and he did it twice. After that I realized it was the real thing and got the video camera and was able to capture it on video the 3rd time. :)
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Nap strike and new tricks!

Followed by phase 2 of the nap strike, about 5 minutes later:

Sorry that it does not include sound... :)
He is almost to the point where everything goes in his mouth. His hands automatically do and he is getting to where he grasps different things and brings them to his mouth also. He is not quite rolling over but looks like he's getting close. He's got the baby push-up mastered!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
3 months

Sunday, July 12, 2009
First plane ride!
It wouldn't be a trip that I took without any travel stories and this time did not disappoint...
We had an early morning flight on July 1st - 7:10 am. We started off a little late but not too just takes us so much longer to get out of the house these days! We got to the airport and it was PACKED. When we were checking in at the kiosk I was not able to check in electronically and had to wait to speak to an agent. I was starting to get a little nervous. We stood in line for quite a while and thankfully a gentleman in front of us let us go ahead of him. We were at the check-in counter for at least 20 minutes as the agent tried to get me cleared - apparently this was some security precaution that we got caught up in. By this time we had less than 10 minutes before our plane took off. This agent actually left her position at the counter and walked us through security to make sure we got on the plane. She was by far the nicest American Airlines employee that I have EVER encountered. Sooo, along with the baby we have all sorts of extra stuff that we are traveling with now...a carry-on (with a change of clothes for all 3 of us...I have learned my lesson...), the diaper bag, a stroller, and a big car seat travel bag. We're rushing along, trying to get our laptops out, shoes off, bags pushed through the x-ray machine and then comes the car seat bag....the openings on these x-ray machines are deceivingly small. :) I seriously looked like Greg Focker trying to push this thing through the x-ray machine. It did go through but they had to call someone to help get it out of the other side. AJ thinks we broke it because he looked back and all of the people in line behind us were stopped and shooting daggers through the back of our heads with their eyes. Oh well, we got through okay and finally made the flight. We were the last two on and got separted but we were only flying to DFW so it was okay.
Here is a pic on our layover -
Hunter was a sweet little angel on all of our flights. I was really worried about the air pressure changes hurting his little ears but we didn't have any problems with that at all. I tried to nurse him whenever we were going up or down but a couple of times he was sleeping hard so I put the pacifier in his mouth and that seemed to work.
Mom picked us up at the airport and of course was super excited to see Hunter. I suppose she was excited to see us also. :) The last time she saw him was when he was two weeks old. When we were waiting for our bags the man who was next to us came up to me and said "I don't think you are going to get your baby back, ma'am".
We had a great few days in Indy. We got to see Grandma and Grandpa Hunter who came up with my uncles Bill and Steve to visit us on Friday. Here is a cute pic of the 3 of them -
Whitney and Brian threw a very nice "Meet the Baby" party for him on Sunday. We had a house full of family and friends who stopped by to meet Hunter. It was so nice to see everyone and it was a great party. Here he is all partied out -
I love the pic of Mom and Brad holding him because we have a similar pic from when they were here and he weighed, what, 5.5 lbs and now look at him! He is just getting so big so fast!
We had a very nice trip and it was nice to get out of the 105 degree heat for a few days. We laid over in Dallas again on the way home and when we got off of the plane in Austin we were waiting outside of the plane for our stroller and carseat that we gate checked and they never showed up. I was not a happy camper...this was a brand new stroller that I just bought right before our trip and a carseat that we need to have to get the baby home from the airport...on top of that, how do you lose something that was put right by the plane as we were getting on??? So, down we go to the lost luggage counter, where we have had the pleasure of spending time before, and we walk in and the super nice lady from our first flight that walked us through security was working at the counter! They gave us a loaner car seat to use and they delivered both the carseat and stroller around 2am that morning so all is well. I am writing a letter to American about this lady. It isn't very often that you encounter someone so helpful in the airline industry these days...and she was nice to boot!
Hunter has finally getting back into his sleep pattern. It has taken a few days to get readjusted but it looks like we're back on track. We have a big week this week including 3 month pictures tomorrow!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Big changes!
Hunter is getting bigger every day and our days go by so fast. We are establishing a nice little schedule. He usually goes down by about 7:30 or 8:00 at night and is up at about 8:00 in the morning. We go on a walk as soon as we get up and get changed so we can try to beat the heat. (We've had 21 days of triple digit temperatures so far this year!) By the time we get home from our walk, Hunter eats, I eat, he goes down for a nap and I shower it is noon before I know it. He is starting to play with toys and is very interested in everything that is going on around him. It's so amazing how fast they develop! I was downloading some video they other day and found some of him at about 2 weeks old and I can't believe how big he is now.
I will blog later about our trip to Indiana over the 4th - Hunter's first time on a plane!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Ahh, sleep!
Friday, June 12, 2009
2 months!
He is growing like a weed. His first scheduled appointment (that was unrelated to his jaundice issues in the beginning) was at 2 weeks old and he was in the 4th percentile for weight and length. Today he is in the 5th for length - 21.5 inches - and the...ahem...20th percentile for weight! He is up to 10.3 lbs. I guess we don't need to worry about him getting enough to eat!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Last Prego Pic
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Chunky Monkey!
Hunter had his first "playdate" with his friend Harrison last week. Harrison's mommy, Allison, and I went out to lunch and it was a perfect day outside. We sat outside and talked and ate and had a great time. Harrison is 2 months older than Hunter and they were both good little boys and slept almost the entire time. I'm sure these two will have many, many fun times together in the future!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Dr. Visit
Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
So big!
Whitney was here to visit the weekend before last, so last week was my first week home without any help and I think I am doing pretty well. :) My mom made a ton of food and froze it for us before she left and we are still enjoying that so I guess I'm not totally on my own yet! I am loving being at home with him and being a mommy. Hunter is still eating about every 2-3 hours, but last night he went for 4 hours in between feedings one time and boy, does that extra hour make a HUGE difference. I felt like I was on vacation!
We went on one outing this week to meet AJ for lunch and then Hunter and I went to Babies R Us to get a couple of things for his room. I still am wary of germs, but I am able to put his carrier/carseat in his stroller and totally cover him up where the hoods of the carrier and stroller come together, so I did that and felt okay about it. He did a pretty good job and it is nice to get out of the house with him.
Here is a pic of Hunter and proud Aunt Whitney! I will post more after our Dr. appointment tomorrow.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
We have a 2 week old!
Hunter had his 2 week checkup with Dr. Terwelp yesterday morning and he is doing great! They want babies to be back to their birth weight by 2 weeks of age (Hunter's was 5 lbs 13 oz). Hunter was up to 6 lbs 1.5 oz! He is in the 4th percentile for length, weight, and head circumference which was great because that was on the term babies chart rather than the preemie chart. Now that he is up to his birth weight, I can also start demand feeding - feeding him when he wants to eat rather than having to wake him up every 2-3 hours to eat - although so far he has pretty much been sticking to the 3 hour schedule. I'm hoping that he'll decide he wants to sleep longer than 2-3 hours during the night soon. :)
Mom and Brad left on Sunday and we sure are missing them! AJ took off Monday-Wednesday to stay home and help me and my sister flies in on Thursday for a visit. We are enjoying our new little family and settling into a routine. Here is a pic of Mimi, Papa, and Hunter before they left!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
It's a BOY!!!
AJ sent out a note to our friends after he was born and it is the perfect way to tell the story of what happened - here it is -
From: Johnson, Antoine
Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2009 10:35 PM
Cc: Johnson, Kristin
Subject: Best Easter Ever
Hello everyone,
By now many of you have heard that Kristin gave birth to our new son this morning. Hunter William Johnson was welcomed into the world at 8:22 this morning. He was quite an Easter surprise.
Saturday was like any normal Saturday. Kristin’s mom was in town to help get the final things she needed for delivery. They went shopping, picked out new baby outfits, etc. Keep in mind that the due date wasn’t until May 9th. Our friends April and Piper came over that morning to take some pregnancy pictures for Kristin. Boy do we have great timing!
Anyhow, Kristin’s mom wanted to treat us to Salt Lick so that’s where we went for dinner – again everything normal so far. Also, Kristin did not have any Braxton-Hicks contractions at all during her pregnancy – our baby was pretty relaxed and chilled out.
After dinner, she helped her mom pack for her 9am Sunday flight back to Indiana. I went to bed to read and watch SNL. She came to bed shortly thereafter. As soon as she laid down – 11:50 on Saturday night, her water broke. She hadn’t even finished packing her overnight bag!! Well, we got her dressed, woke up her mom, and hustled to the hospital. By this time her contractions started. By the way – Kristin and contractions do not get along! After the epidural she was all good though – many of you got phone calls from her!
She labored for about six hours and pushed for about an hour and a half. My mother-in-law was a godsend. She was there to help us through this and offer encouragement. She was completely complimentary to me and made sure that we were both comfortable throughout the process. My wife is a phenomenal woman. She did so well during this that I was truly inspired by her.
We did not know what the sex of the baby was before he was born. This was the best surprise I’ve ever gotten! I was the first person (other than the doctor) to see my new son enter this world. He is truly a blessing! Andrew was born on Father’s Day and that makes Father’s Day special for me. Hunter was born on Easter Sunday, and Easter will always be special to me as well.
He’s a little on the small side – he came 4 weeks early! However, he’s doing well. He’s taking to nursing right away and he’s discovered that he likes to suck his thumb sometimes. Kristin has done great so far – she’s going to be a great mother. We’re all tired but happy. What more could any of us have asked for? Andrew is very excited about his baby brother. He’s going to be a great role model. I could not have done this without my mother-in-law Jan. I’m so happy she was here to witness all of this.
We have plenty of pictures, and I’ll send them out later. We’re at North Austin Medical Center room 224 for anyone that wants to come by and say hello.
Thanks to everyone!
Antoine Johnson
We were able to go home on Tuesday, April 14th and had a pediatrician appointment with Dr. Terwelp on Wednesday. They wanted to check his bilirubin levels - this is a breakdown product of blood and high levels cause jaundice - and since he is techincally a preemie it needed to be monitored closely. His bili levels had gone up since leaving the hospital at Wednesday's appointment and so we had to go back for another check on Thursday. Thursday's levels had jumped higher than anyone expected, so he was readmitted back in to the hospital Thursday evening to spend some time under the phototherapy lights to work on getting his levels down. It was very hard for us to see him hooked up to all of the machines and having his blood taken several times a day, but he was able to come home again on Saturday evening.
Here is a picture of the little guy -

He has a special little name, as Hunter is my Mom's maiden name, and William was my Dad's name. He is settling in to his new home and routine quite nicely. He is a good little baby and we are so thankful that he is healthy and is home. My Mom has been here and has been a godsend. She has helped us so much. Brad flew in yesterday and my sister will be here to help out at the end of next week. We are lucky to have such a wonderful group of friends and family.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Indy trip
I had a quick Dr. appointment on Thursday before I left. Not much new to report, although the baby is head down, so even though there is plenty of time left, hopefully he/she doesn't decide to flip. 8 more weeks to go!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
I passed!
I have been waiting on the news to update the blog and I have the official word – I passed my glucose test! For those of you (men) who are reading and don’t know what that is, it is a blood test they do right around this time in your pregnancy to test your blood sugar. You have to drink an orange drink that tastes like flat McDonalds orange soda in 5-10 minutes and get your blood drawn an hour later. If your sugars are too high then you have to do another 3 hour test, where I believe you drink the same drink but then have to get your blood drawn once an hour for 3 hours, which I was NOT keen on. I have had such a sweet tooth and was totally convinced I was going to fail, but I passed with flying colors. :) It’s the little things that excite me, huh…?
My appointment last week went well. It was just a quick checkup. The baby is measuring right on schedule. I have another appointment late next week so they can check me before I fly out on Friday. Whitney is throwing me a shower in Indy and they wanted to check me before I travel. Everything has been smooth sailing so far, so I don’t anticipate having any problems, but keep your fingers crossed. This will be the last time I can travel before the baby is born so I’m really excited to go home…although I wish that I could stay a little longer. I’ll make sure to post some pics when I get back!
I’m starting to get tired again, but other than that I’m feeling well and really can’t complain at all. I will be 30 weeks on Saturday which is totally crazy to me. It seems like time has flown by ever since I hit 20 weeks. I think I will start to feel more prepared once we start to fill up the nursery with the essentials. I'm starting to think about the fact that this baby is eventually going to have to come out and he/she isn't getting any smaller! Hopefully the epidural will sound less scary to me in 10 weeks.... :)
I almost forgot - we have our first class next week! We have about one per week for the next 5 weeks or so, so I’m looking forward to those. I’ll keep you posted on how those are going!
Monday, January 26, 2009
25 weeks

My Mom and Brad came down for a little visit last week. We all had a great time. AJ and Brad were able to get in a few rounds of golf while Mom and I played around at Babies R Us. :) Brad loves the fact that he can play golf in January. They picked a good week to come and we enjoyed having them here!
I had my 24 week appointment last week and everything is still going well. Next appointment is in 4 weeks. I'll have the glucose screening test and that is my last 4 week appointment. I’ll start going every 3 weeks after that, which means it will be my 3rd trimester ALREADY! Time is flying by. We are still working on names and it is much harder than I thought it would be. It’s not even that we are in disagreement - it’s more of names reminding of someone else that you grew up with, or someone else already has a child (or a dog) with that name, or that it just doesn’t work with Johnson (crazy, but true), etc. The baby is moving a lot and I’m still feeling well, although it is becoming increasingly difficult to put on my socks and shoes. I might have to start asking AJ for some help here before too long!