Monday, October 12, 2009

It goes by so fast...

It is hard to believe that my little baby was born 6 months ago today. I look back at the pictures and video from that day and the early days and weeks and it just does not seem like he should already be 6 months old! He is such a little joy and I just love watching him explore and learn new things. He now loves to pull on and play with his feet. They are great little toys that are with you wherever you go! He is truly a blessing.

Today we celebrated Hunter's 6 month birthday by going to get his pictures taken at Picture People. He flirted, smiled, and talked up the photographer and we got some great shots. The scan quality isn't that great but here are some of his shots...

Saturday afternoon we went to a Pumpkin Patch out in Elgin. It was more of a Pumpkin Festival than a patch, but we had fun and got some great shots despite the "cold" 57 degree weather.

Hunter must have been tired from our day trip because that night he set a record and only woke up ONE time in the middle of the night! Last night he woke up twice, but this is still a big improvement as it has typically been closer to every 2-3 hours. We'll see if he keeps this trend going!

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