Thursday, July 29, 2010


Yep, he's learned the word "no". The funny thing though, is that he doesn't use it to say no to me. He uses it when he knows he is doing something that I'll say no to. For example, today he managed to climb his way on to the fireplace hearth. I have no idea how he did it - I was washing dishes at the kitchen island which faces the living room and literally looked down and right back up and there he was. I said his name and he started cracking up saying, "no, no, no". He also does the same thing when I catch him getting in to a drawer he shouldn't be. I don't know what I'm in for with this but I'm sure I will look back on this post in the future and slap myself for saying that it's pretty cute. :)

Not much new to report this week. He's started saying "moo" when he sees cows. There is a cow on his milk carton so whenever I open the refrigerator door he starts saying "moo, moo, moo". He's really enjoying Gymboree and I love watching him have such a good time. The kids aren't super social with each other at this point but they play around each other nicely and interact a little bit. It's super cute!!

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