Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Hunter's new response to everything is "Yes". It's very cute and I'm glad he prefers it over "No" (although he does tell the dog no and shush her on occasion). He not only responds yes when you ask him a question, but he preemptively says "Yes, yes, yes" for something he sees that he wants. Example - If he sees one of us eating fruit, he drops everything and comes over, saying "Yes, yes, yes". If he wants his shoes on, he'll bring them over to you saying "Yes, yes, yes". He'll bring his monkey backpack over to you saying "Yes, yes, yes". I was having a little fun with the yes questions/answers in the store the other day and couldn't resist sharing the video. I think it is hilarious. I'm having trouble with the Blogger video upload so here is the YouTube link:


He's now saying "Uh oh". He likes to say it when he falls down or anything falls on the floor, even if it is a purposeful drop/throw. Sometimes says it before he drops/throws just to let you know what's coming up. Another new favorite is "Hello" as he holds the phone to his ear. Most often it is the phone at least -- it can also be his hand, the monitor, a shoe -- anything that makes sense to put to his ear. :) I've been trying to take video of it but it he mostly has my cell phone when doing it and by the time I get back from grabbing the real video camera he quits performing. Today he grabbed my phone and said "Hello....hello....Mimi". I said "Do you want to call Mimi?", which he of course responded "Yes" to. So, we called Mimi. :) It is so much fun to have little mini conversations with him. He is growing up TOO fast!

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