Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Big parenting milestone!

Our 3rd wedding anniversary is coming up this month so AJ and I decided to take our very first post-baby vacation sans baby. We went to Maui, which is where we went on our Honeymoon. We love it there and it has sentimental value to boot. Mimi flew down to stay with Hunter while we were gone. It was definitely hard to leave him but I did okay and knew that he was in great hands. She kept me updated throughout the day with pictures, emails and phone calls so that made it so much better. Unfortunately, Hunter had his first ER visit while we were gone. He had a fever and wasn't eating or drinking but it ended up being a virus and we just had to let it run it's course. His molar also FINALLY came through when we were gone. So, poor Mimi had to babysit a sick and teething baby. Good thing she's 1) a great mom/Mimi and 2) a great nurse. :)

Here are a few of Mimi's cutest update pictures:

My favorite - Hunter stacking 3 blocks. He looks so proud of himself!

Doesn't even care that we're gone... :)

Trying to brush his new molar -

We picked a different resort than where we stayed during our Honeymoon so it was nice to experience a different side of the island but we did go back to our favorite restaurant that we stumbled upon while we were the last time. We mostly hung around the resort, had some great food and relaxed. AJ played golf a couple of times and I got a massage at the most amazing spa I have ever been to. Just my kind of vaca! It was a wonderful, much needed vacation and if we could have shipped Hunter there I could have stayed for another 2 weeks. :)

Here are a few pictures from our trip:

View from our room -

View from breakfast every morning -

Lahaina Grill...our favorite!! -

Hanging out at the pool on our last day -

Missing Hunter -

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