Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Chunky Monkey!

We had a follow-up appointment to Hunter's weight check from a couple of weeks ago and he is up to 8 lbs, 15 oz! He has gained a pound and a half in the past two weeks. Little chunk! He is still in size newborn in clothes and diapers but I imagine it won't be long before we are in 0-3 months (which will make mommy sad!).

Hunter had his first "playdate" with his friend Harrison last week. Harrison's mommy, Allison, and I went out to lunch and it was a perfect day outside. We sat outside and talked and ate and had a great time. Harrison is 2 months older than Hunter and they were both good little boys and slept almost the entire time. I'm sure these two will have many, many fun times together in the future!

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