Saturday, January 14, 2012

33 months

3 months away from 3 years old! I don't like this one bit. It seems like Hunter JUST turned can he possibly be almost three??

Our little genius is quite the comedian. He cracks us up every day with the funny/random/surprising things that come out of his mouth. He's exceptionally smart, if I do say so myself. :) He's still really in to numbers, letters and shapes. He can almost draw a smiley face. Even though he's becoming a big boy, he still likes to be rocked when he's sleepy and I think I'll hold on to that as long as I possibly can.

They say that age 3 is worse than age 2 and I'm already preparing myself for that. Hunter is quite independent and sometimes has some ideas about how things should be done that are different from what ours are. For the most part though, he's very well behaved and is still a super sweet little boy. He loves to be involved and wants to help with whatever you're doing.

Some of his current favorites are --
Food: PB&J. Interesting since he wouldn't eat it at first, then would only eat it with peanut butter and no jelly. But, 9 times out of 10 this is what he requests for lunch.
Drink: He's still a big milk and water drinker. I occasionally treat him with a little juice, especially if he needs the vitamin C, but he's not really a huge fan.
Fruit: Bananas. He's eat 5 a day if I'd let him. He really likes the little Cuties mandarin oranges too. By the way....both of these must be peeled by only Hunter.
Toy: Anything that involves playing outside. He really likes his basketball hoop, train track and play kitchen. With the chilly weather this winter, we've been going to some indoor playgrounds and bouncy places to play and he loves running around and still loves to jump.

He is quite the little singer and has a really great memory for lyrics. He sometimes will just sit in the back seat and sing. Some current titles are the playlist are: Row row row your boat, You are my sunshine, Old MacDonald, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Ring around the rosy, and the IU fight song. :)

He's currently around 31-31.5 lbs and a little over 36 inches tall. We'll see what his official stats are at his 3 year well check.

Sometime over the next 5-ish weeks, Hunter will become a big brother and I am certain a good big brother at that. He is convinced the baby is a girl, so I hope he's not too disappointed if he's wrong! We've been preparing by getting baby things out of the attic, washing clothes and all of the fun stuff that must be done before Baby gets here. He's interested in all of the baby gear and toys and always asks if it was his when he was a little baby. We've been looking at pictures of him when he was born and he really enjoying doing so. He also likes to talk to my tummy, which just melts my heart. One exchange earlier this week went like this:

(Lifting up my shirt while I was sitting on the couch) "Baby, where are you? Baby, come out! Mom, she won't come out!!!"

Soon enough. :)

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