Saturday, February 25, 2012

2 weeks old

Cole had his two week check-up with Dr. Terwelp yesterday and checked out great! He's up to 7 lbs 5 oz from his birth weight of 6 lbs 15 oz, so he's eating and gaining like a champ! He measured at 20 inches long, which I'm not sure is completely accurate, but we'll take it. :) Both weight and length are in the 25th percentile.

He's still doing great at home. He's quite the little sucker, so he might end up being a pacifier lover. Hunter never really took to one, so we'll see what Cole decides he likes. He's able to eat on demand now, but is still eating mostly every 2 1/2 hours. He sometimes sleeps for a longer stretch during the day, although in true newborn form he's up and ready to go at night!

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