Monday, June 11, 2012

4 months

Coleman had his well check with Dr. Dan this afternoon.  I can't believe he's already 4 months old.  4 months just sounds so much older than 3 months!

He is 24 inches (20th %) and 14 lbs, 4 oz (50th %).  He had 4 shots and didn't handle them all so great this time.  The first two were a shock and by the time he got the third and fourth he was screaming REALLY hard.  I felt so bad for him....these little guys get so much when they're so little.

But, he checked out well and is growing like a weed!  He's grown 5 inches and has more than doubled his birth weight in the past 4 months.  That's a lot of growing!

He's getting better about riding in the car.  Sometimes he actually even falls asleep, so I would say we have about a 60% scream guarantee at this point. :)  He's still not sleeping or napping great but he is laughing and I LOVE IT.

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