Friday, April 29, 2011

Potty training

I don't know if I would quite yet say that Hunter is potty trainED, but we are definitely potty trainING. I'm a big believer in letting them stay little while you can and not pushing things on them, but he's been showing most of the signs. Plus, from what I have read and from what Dr. Dan told us in our well check, any time now is a good time to start trying. He especially mentioned that the little ones who are really verbal are usually early to train.

Last week he went potty in the big potty 3 times by asking to, so I figured I'd give it a shot this week. I must say, he has been doing remarkably well. So far this has been WAY easier than I ever anticipated. He's had some accidents here and there but that is to be expected. He's been solely in underwear this week, even during outings, except for naps and bedtime. He's actually been waking up dry from his naps for the past 4 days so I think I'll try to keep him in his underwear for naps next week. I just want to be sure he's ready for it before I take that step. :)

The reason I say we are training, rather than officially calling him trained is because he still isn't stopping play to tell me that he needs to go. He's really great when I pull him away from what he's doing to go, but I guess him taking the initiative to go will be the next step. Regardless, way to go, Hunter! He is doing a great job and I am super proud mommy!

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